Facebook Business Updates… Introducing Timeline for Business Pages
March 19, 2012
Did you know that Facebook is changing business pages? Is your business ready for the change?
Here’s an overview of the upcoming changes and some ideas on how to benefit from the new features…
Cover Photo and Profile Images:
Instead of the series of images above the top of the page, you’ll have one solid image across the top to showcase your business. With this upgrade though, there are heavy restrictions on what you can (and can’t include)… for example, photo shouldn’t include any sales text, encouragement to LIKE the page or contain any contact information.
You’ll see that your postings to Facebook are now more highlighted, with larger photos and space for larger video highlights. There’s also a new feature which will allow you to ‘pin’ a post to the top of your page for up to a week’s time ~ which will be great to highlight certain events and features! You’ll also be able to mark Milestone’s for your company, highlighting the ‘big’ changes over the years when looking back on your posts… another great opportunity for people to look back over time and comment on the highlights of your business!
Facebook Advertising:
Another great development will be changes to the existing Facebook PPC advertising… ad sizes will be larger (so more visible) and there’s a feature called Reach Generator which we’ll be looking into more in-depth… will keep everyone posted!
New Features:
Coming down the pipeline from Facebook is also a new feature called Facebook Offers which will allow you to more visibly display your highlighted post to users. Your customers will be able to share the Offer and be able to take advantage of the offer as well. The customer then gets an email notification of this and can take advantage of your special!
Is your company on top of the new Facebook changes?
Drop us a line and we’ll be happy to discuss your social media campaigns and what we can do to make them more effective for your customers!

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