Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of enhancing website elements in order to achieve high rankings on major search engines.
Multiple studies have found that natural search results receive 70%-80% of all clicks on search engines, making search engine optimization an effective strategy of driving targeted visitors to your website and converting them into customers.
Campaigns can be broken down into the following 5 phases:
1. Local Search Engine Optimization
Well identify your market and tailor your campaign to help you attract customers from Canadian and American cities by strategically positioning your website on major search engines and local directories.
2. Website & Competition Analysis
Well evaluate your competition and take advantage of their weaknesses and position your organization to compete with their strengths.
3. Keyword Research
We research and select the keywords that will attract clients that can actually buy your products or use your services to deliver the highest rate of conversion from visitors to buyers.
4. Monthly Maintenance Services
After our initial setup, you will notice a significant increase in your search engine visibility, but without continual maintenance, there results will diminish. We will monitor your results and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that your rankings continue to improve
5. Pay Per Click and Adwords
The best way of achieving results quickly is establishing Pay Per Click accounts with Googles Adwords program and/or Yahoos Search programs. This allows us to target the exact key phrase a user would type in on a search engine, and allow you to gain exposure on the highlighted sponsored listings area. You only incur a fee if a user clicks on your advertisement so you get more qualified traffic for your results.
What is the Return On Investment - ROI? 
The Internet, unlike any other media vehicle, can be measured to a fraction of a second. You will be able to track an increase in visitor traffic (as we gain best search engine spots), track volume of new leads and sales delivered with that traffic, and ultimately and easily translate this to your return on investment.
The initial ROI from SEO manifests itself through increase sales leads or new customer prospects, and therefore the immediate ROI measurement for most companies is expressed in terms of the cost in generating a sales lead (compared to other media). Initial ROI delivered with our SEO Campaigns can start to kick in within less than one month. Most companies find that the cost in generating a sales lead through SEO is a small fraction from that of any other media.
Since market variables differ from industry to industry, one cannot easily predict specific rates on returns on investment in terms of increase sales. For example ROI in the mortgage industry can be influenced by national economic factors, while a company in the landscaping business has seasonal influences. In all cases, SEO makes your phone ring...a lot... but it is still up to you to close the sale.
Ecommerce Sales over the past several years
Each quarter, sales have increase in Ecommerce (online) sales. The following information has been taken from the US Census bureau strictly for the first quarter of each year.
2008 $33.795 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $135.180 Billion Dollars
2007 $29.758 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $119.032 Billion Dollars
2006 $25.012 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $100.048 Billion Dollars
2005 $20.083 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $ 80.332 Billion Dollars
2004 $16.462 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $ 65.848 Billion Dollars
2003 $12.764 Billion Dollars - Approximate Annual $ 51.056 Billion Dollars
Even if your business isnt able to sell products online, you may still be missing out on a significant amount of business. An effective campaign will expose your company to thousands of potential buyers and significantly increase your annual revenue.